Titlyanov EA, Titlyanova TV & Tokeshi M (2015). Coral-algal relations in reef systems: on the positive roles of algae in reef recovery processes. Coastal Ecosystems, 2, 1-20.
Susanto HA, Suraji & Tokeshi M (2015). Management of coral reef ecosystems in Indonesia: past, present and the future. Coastal Ecosystems, 2, 21-41.
Arakaki S, Kawabata Y & Tokeshi M(2015). Assessing the feasibility of bio-logging research in adult temperate bass, Lateolabrax latus, in subtropical-temperate coastal waters of southwestern Japan.
Coastal Ecosystems, 2, 42-52.
Arakaki S, Tsuchiya M & Tokeshi M (2014). Testing latitudinal patterns of tidepool fish assemblages: local substrate characteristics affect regional-scale trends. Hydrobiologia (Springer) 733: 45-62.
Yoko-o M & Tokeshi M (2014).
Pronounced difference in community structure between the edge and the interior: analysing small-scale variability of a maritime woodland. Coastal Ecosystems, 1, 54-65.
Arakaki S, Hutchinson N & Tokeshi M(2014). Foraging ecology of a large opportunistic predator (adult Lateolabrax latus) on a temperate-subtropical rocky shore. Coastal Ecosystems, 1, 14-25.
Tokeshi M, Arakaki S & Daud JRP (2013). Consuming diversity: analysis of seasonal catch patterns in multi-species artisanal reef fisheries in North Sulawesi, eastern Indonesia.DPacific Science, 67, 1-13.
Arakaki S & Tokeshi M (2012). Species and size matter: an experimental study of microhabitat use under the influence of competitive interactions in intertidal gobiids. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 418-419, 59-68.
Yoko-o M. & Tokeshi
M. (2012). Assessing context-dependent survival of Quercus glauca seeds in a humid maritime
woodland. Plant Ecology, 213: 143-153. pdf(1032k)
Tokeshi, M & Arakaki, S. (2012). Habitat complexity in aquatic systems: fractals and beyond. Hydrobiologia, 685: 27-47. pdf(1376k) "invited review -IMPORTANT"
Tokeshi, M & Arakaki, S. (2011). Continuous in-situ observation of reef-associated
EchinodermataDGalaxea, 13, 21-22.
Tokeshi, M. (2011). Spatial structures of hydrothermal
vents and vent-associated megafauna in the back-arc basin system of the Okinawa
Trough, western Pacific. Journal
of Oceanography, 67, 651-665. pdf(3235k) (Important photos)
Tokeshi, M. & Daud,
J.R.P. (2011). Feeding electivity in Acanthaster
planci: a null model analysis. Coral
Reefs, 30, 227-235. pdf(707k)
Yoko-o M. & Tokeshi
M. (2011). Morphological variation along the sea-land gradient: trees in a
subtropical maritime woodland. Journal
of Forest Research, 16, 55-61. pdf(488k)
Arakaki, S.
& Tokeshi, M (2011). Analysis of
spatial niche structure in coexisting tidepool fishes: null models based on
multi-scale experiments. Journal
of Animal Ecology,
80, 137-147. pdf(1032k)
Tokeshi, M. & Tanaka,
K. (2010). Dominance of tabular Acroporid species and the abundance of echinoid
grazers in high-latitude coral assemblages of Amakusa, southwestern Japan. Galaxea, 12, 87. pdf(1597k)
Kurimoto, M. & Tokeshi M. (2010). Variation on a theme of
herbivory: Corallina- hermit crab relationship on a temperate-subtropical rocky shore. Oikos, 119, 1401-1408. pdf(467k)
Nozawa Y, Tokeshi M, Nojima S (2008). Structure and
dynamics of a high-latitude scleractinian coral community in Amakusa, southwestern
Japan. Marine Ecology Progress Series 358: 151-160
Tokeshi, M. & Arakaki,
S. (2007). On estimating diversity in
species-rich fish assemblages: an example with coral reef fishes of eastern
Indonesia. Journal of Fish Biology, 71, 1879-1887.
Kawai,T &
Tokeshi, M. (2007). Testing the facilitation-competition paradigm under the stress-gradient
hypothesis: decoupling multiple stress factors.
Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, B, 274, 2503-2508.
Londono-Cruz, E. & Tokeshi, M. (2007). Testing scale-variance in species-area and abundance-area
relationships in a local assemblage: an example from a subtropical boulder
shore. Population Ecology, 49,
275-285. pdf(625k)
Tokeshi, M., Yoko-o, M., Daud, J.R.P. &
Domits, M. (2007). Hypolycaena erylus feeding on the mangrove
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ants, in North Sulawesi, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Tropical Lepidoptera, 17, 34-35. pdf(1293k)
Tokeshi, M & Yoko-o, M. (2007). New record of the tropical swallowtail moth Lyssa zampa (Butler) (Lepidoptera: Uraniidae) from mainland Japan. Entomological Science, 10, 103-106.
Arakaki, S
& Tokeshi, M (2006). Short-term dynamics of tidepool fish
community: diel and seasonal variation.
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 76, 221-235.
Kawai,T &
Tokeshi, M. (2006). Asymmmetric coexistence: bidirectional positive
and negative interactions between goose-barnacles and mussels. Journal of Animal Ecology, 75, 928-941.
Nozawa, Y., Tokeshi, M & Nojima, S (2006) Reproduction and recruitment of scleractinian
corals in a high-latitude coral community, Amakusa, southwestern Japan. Marine Biology, 149, 1047-1058.
Arakaki, S. & Tokeshi, M. (2005). Microhabitat selection in intertidal gobiid fishes: species and
size-associated interaction. Marine Biology Research 1:39-47
Taniguchi, H. & Tokeshi, M. (2004). Effects of habitat complexity on benthic assemblages in a variable environment. Freshwater Biology, 49, 1164-1178.pdf(364k)
Kawai, T. & Tokeshi, M. (2004). Variable modes of facilitation in the upper intertidal: goose
barnacles and mussels. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 272, 203-213.
Paruntu, C.P. & Tokeshi, M. (2003). Variability in the reproductive characteristics of local populatiopns of an intertidal gastropod, Nerita japonica (Dunker). Benthos Research, 58, 7-14.
Taniguchi, H., Nakano, S & Tokeshi, M. (2003). Influences of habitat complexity on the diversity and abundance
of epiphytic invertebrates on plants. Freshwater Biology, 48, 718-728. pdf(646k)
Tokeshi, M. & Schmid, P.E. (2002) Niche division and abundance: an evolutionary
perspective. Population Ecology, 44, 189-200.
Schmid, P.E., Tokeshi, M. & Schmid-Araya, J.M. (2002). Scaling in stream communities. Proceedings
of the Royal Society, London, Series B, 269, 2587-2594.
Tokeshi, M. (2002) Spatial distribution of a deep-sea crinoid Pentametrocrinus
tuberculatus in the Izu-Ogasawara Arc, western Pacific. Journal of Zoology, (London), 258,
Ota, N. & Tokeshi, M. (2002) A population study of two carnivorous buccinids (Gastropod:Buccinidae) on an intertidal stony shore. Venus, 60, 261-271.
Romero, L. & Tokeshi, M. (2002) Variabilidad fenotipica de Nodilittorina en la Reserva de Paracas (Phenotypic variability of Nodilittorina in the Paracas Reserve). Revista Peruana de Biologia, 9, 39-48.
Thamrin, Nojima, S. & Tokeshi, ‚l. (2001). An experimental analysis of
planula release in a scleractinian coral Alveopora japonica. Galaxea, 3, 25-30.
Thamrin, Tokeshi, M. & Nojima, S. (2001). Effect
of coral-inhabiting barnacle (Cantellius pallidus) on planula
production in a scleractinian coral Alveopora japonica. Ophelia, 55, 93-100.
Tioho,H., Tokeshi, M. & Nojima, S. (2001). Experimental
analysis of recruitment in a scleractinian coral at high latitude. Marine Ecology Progress Series,
213, 79-86.
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Tokeshi, M. & Romero, L. (2000). Spatial overlap
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Schmid, P.E., Tokeshi, M. & Schmid-Araya,
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Ota, N. & Tokeshi, M. (2000b). Population
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an intertidal boulder shore. Venus, 59, 29-36.
Ota, N. & Tokeshi, M. (2000a). A comparative
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Tokeshi, M., Ota, N.
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Arakaki, S., Yamahira, K. & Tokeshi, M.
(1999). Sex change and spatial distribution pattern in an intertidal
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on Population Ecology, 41, 235-242.
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Tokeshi, M. & Romero,
L. (1995a). Filling a gap: dynamics of space occupancy on a
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on Population Ecology, 37, 43-48.
Tokeshi, M. (1995e).
Polychaete abundance and dispersion patterns: a non-trivial 'infaunal'
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Progress Series, 125, 137-147.
Tokeshi, M. (1995d).
Randomness and aggregation: analysis of dispersion in an epiphytic
chironomid community. Freshwater Biology, 33, 567-578.
Tokeshi, M. (1995c).
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Tokeshi, M. (1995b).
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Takacs, V. & Tokeshi, M. (1994). Spatial
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Tokeshi, M. & Osawa,
N. (1994). Niche relations in insect herbivore assemblages. Individuals,
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N.J. Mills and K.F.A. Walters), pp. 309-318. Intercept Press, Andover,
Tokeshi, M. (1994b).
Biodiversity in aquatic systems: some conceptual and theoretical issues.
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Watanabe), pp. 211-225. Global Environmental Forum, Tokyo.
Tokeshi, M. (1994a).
Community ecology and patchy freshwater habitats. Aquatic Ecology:
Scale, Pattern and Process. (Ed. by P.S. Giller, A.G. Hildrew and
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Takacs, V. and Tokeshi, M. (1993). Feeding
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